Open Fiber

Cost reduction in the development of network routes and connections

Open Fiber installs, manages, and maintains the fiber optic network in Italy, relying on the Fiber-to-the-Home (FTTH) technology. Its aim is to build an extensive and efficient ultra-wideband network to connect the main Italian cities and industrial hubs.

Telco & Media
Internal technicians
Feasibility studies per year
1M +

Whether in a large metropolitan area or in a remote village, individuals and companies of all sizes are fully experiencing the technological and digital revolution taking place nowadays. Social media and remote calls are daily bread for most of us, while Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and analytics are popular topics for companies. A fast and reliable connection accessible from everywhere is therefore a must to enable such disruptive technologies. And it is exactly in this scenario that Open Fiber has established itself as one of the most relevant actors in the telecommunications sector guaranteeing safe access to the telecommunication network, regardless of where we connect from.


Estimating new network routes and connections

Managing the entire fiber optic network dislocated in different geographic areas throughout Italy is a real challenge, which requires special attention and prior in-depth analysis. Moreover, without a proper and technologically advanced tool, estimating and developing new network routes and connections turns out to be a long and tough process.
Conscious of the numerous advantages deriving from fostering innovation at corporate level, Open Fiber started to look for a tool to support its over 1M preliminary feasibility studies aimed at developing new optic fiber routes and network connections consisting of 5M nodes and 3M arches.


Optimized development of optic fiber routes powered by the OverIT solution

Due to specific algorithms based on data and optimization logics, the OverIT solution has proved to be the ideal product for Open Fiber to easily and rapidly estimate feasibility and map out new network connections, routes, and sites of interest.

  • Integration with third-party platforms
    Work order creation, execution, and debriefing and constant master system update by integrating with: Smallworld GIS Physical Network Inventory to retrieve network data for calculating routes; Salesforce CRM to receive requests for quotations for new connections; other platforms (Open Fiber networks, third-party and OLO infrastructures) employing proprietary routing algorithms
  • Efficient network creation
    Performance of simulations to expand the fiber optic network by setting multiple parameters according to the technology (underground or aerial) and infrastructure (ex-novo, designed, executed) in use and compliance with the efficiency standards set by checking and validating activities during and after their execution
  • Wiring option estimation
    Provision of specific infrastructure graphs to apply the routing logics and estimate the best wiring options
  • Fiber optic site prediction
    Quick and automatic prediction of the costs for realizing new site connections by analyzing the best path to connect the existing network infrastructure


The adoption of the OverIT’s FSM solution resulted in remarkable improvements
citation symbol
IT Assurance Manager

“Configurability and elasticity are great product capabilities, fit for adapting usability to the needs of the field user.”

Nowadays sustainability is a keystone addressing society in its entirety, requiring businesses to effectively adopt a variety of initiatives to foster it. Supporting field resources in the implementation of client processes relying on the OverIT solution is the perfect decision to respect sustainability values, foster innovation, and effectively realize and optimize new network routes. Building resilient infrastructures is for Open Fiber a matter of utmost priority to ensure cities and communities to be sustainable, inclusive, and safe.

The OverIT NextGen Platform is also contributing to reaching Sustainable Development Goals:

sdg 9SDG 11