OverIT global partner di RealWear

May 23, 2019

As a global partner and Gold sponsor, OverIT will attend the RealWear Summit event

OverIT will participateas a global partner and Gold sponsor, in the RealWear Summit event organized by RealWear, a major international vendor of head-mounted Hardware. These wearable devices integrate to the safety helmet, and are intended to support the operators in the execution of their tasks, both on field and within production plants. Despite being addressed to partners and clients, the event, taking place in San Carlos, CA, will even host major experts in the Digital Transformation field, as well as main representatives of the automotive, manufacturing and energy sectors. A unique opportunity for confronting and discovering new application scenarios, while keeping up to date on the developments of RealWear products.

OverIT, being acclaimed world-wide as a strongly innovative company, will detail the benefits brought by its solution through the use of RealWear devices, which enable technicians to perform guided and preset solution procedures. Voice commands provide the operators with the multimedia contents required to support them in their maintenance, installation and repair tasks, with significant impacts in terms of efficiency, efficacy and safety.