RFI is the company owned by Gruppo Ferrovie dello Stato, which is in charge of managing the Italian railway infrastructure.
The customer requested a solution to manage the maintenance of the railway infrastructure, aiming at: re-engineering the procedures related to the assignment of maintenance activities to the staff and the corresponding report; enhancing the information exchange between the head of the work center and the maintenance operators; streamlining the activities of teams while executing maintenance operations.
The I-MAN system was therefore developed to manage the following expected volumes: 16,787 km of railway lines, 350 maintenance units throughout Italy, 700 operators responsible for task allocation/ approval, 10,000 maintenance operators.
The solution is based on OverIT and allows to manage the procedures to assign the work orders to the teams, indicating the estimated execution times and which tasks are assigned to each member and to perform activities through a mobile App used by the field resources. They receive the agenda of activities, the necessary documents and the technical sites where the intervention has to be performed, while are supported when executing the task. The solution also allows to debrief the activities performed through a dedicated dashboard, approve workforce, interventions and technical modules filled in on mobile devices, as well as to report unplanned activities, which are not managed from mobile devices.