For the ninth consecutive year, the Utility Day brings together the main players in the sector, providing a stimulating context for utility managers, technology providers, and the innovation world to address common interests for energy and gas sales companies. An unparalleled opportunity for sharing knowledge, strategies, and best practices to face future challenges in the dynamic world of utilities.
The energy sector, among others, faces crucial challenges linked to national and European objectives: the end of Protected Market for domestic users by 2024, measures on Energy, Climate, and Sustainable Development by 2030, and strategies for decarbonization by 2050.
In addition to these time constraints, companies operating in the Energy Market must address:
Managing the effects of significant disruptions triggered by events in the last three years, during which energy market dynamics and prices have undergone continuous and often unpredictable evolution.
The need to solidify their position in the market, corporate identity, and credibility with increasingly demanding, conscious customers attentive to their consumption.
Leveraging the substantial investments made in recent years to initiate and consolidate the digital transformation of their organizations.